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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Flood Damage and Storm Damage

11/20/2021 (Permalink)

Install a lightning rod on the roof of your building.

Preparing for Flood Damage

When looking into purchasing more weather protection for your business, it is important to recognize the types of damages you could end up with. One problem associated with storms that many people may not consider a risk at first is flooding, which can wreak havoc on your business structure and ruin your inventory. Business owners in Oak Highlands, TX, have often prepared for storm damage, but preparation for flood damage goes one step further.

Kinds of Damage

High gusts of wind and excessive rain can be caused by storms, but in addition to the types of damage that can occur under these conditions, flooding can also create these problems:

  • Cause erosion in the base structure of your building
  • Destroy inventory, especially electronics and paper supplies
  • Create conditions for mold growth
  • Carry in unsanitary chemicals and harmful debris

It is clear that these problems can present a real risk to your company, so it is important to figure out what the next steps should be.

Damage Prevention

Regardless of whether you are focusing on general storm or flood damage, there are several preventative measures you can take. Do this for general weather protection:

  • Install a lightning rod on the roof of your building
  • Keep more valuable inventory away from windows
  • Strengthen walls with an extra layer of construction

Of course, flooding can bring about a whole new list of damage possibilities, so there are many other precautions you can exercise:

  • Reconstructing the floor so it does not slope down
  • Sealing shut areas where utilities enter the building
  • Keeping valuable inventory above ground level

Final Step

Even though you can often carry out some of these preparatory tasks without much trouble, there is always the potential for damages when a major storm occurs. Calling a professional cleanup service after suffering flood damage is the smartest thing to do. They will assess the situation through a lens of expertise and ensure safety standards are practiced when restoring your business to its former glory.

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