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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

3 Roof Repair Troubleshooting Tips

8/27/2022 (Permalink)

Roof damaged by wind

Three Types of Roof Damage You Could Be Dealing With

Whether you live on a beach with hurricanes or on a mountain with heavy winter snowstorms, your home can be at risk of sustaining wind damage. Because the roof is one of the most common places for it to happen, it is helpful to know how to quickly respond to problems there. Sometimes, you will need to call a storm damage remediation expert for help, but other times, you can fix things yourself. Here are three tips for recognizing the type of roof damage you are dealing with:

1. Check the Flashing
It is common for high winds to damage roof flashing in Wilshire Heights, TX. This is the material that protects the seams of roof fixtures such as your chimney. While you are checking the flashing, do not forget about the surrounding sealant. If it is old or cracked, you will need to replace it. Fortunately, this is an inexpensive kind of roof repair.

2. Look for Damaged Parts
A roof has several parts including vent boots, shingles and slits. Take time to carefully examine all of them. Damaged vent boots can lead to leaks, and it is easy for shingles to break and for slits to corrode. If any of this kind of roof damage occurs, you will need to buy replacement materials. This sort of roof repair can be more costly than flashing or sealant fixes, but it probably still will not break the bank.

3. Check for Holes
A puncture is one of the most expensive types of roof repairs you will encounter. If you notice a hole in your roof, moving quickly can save you money by reducing the amount of additional damage that may occur. Holes are not the kind of repair you want to make yourself though. Even if it can be costly, is better to leave this job to professionals.
If high winds damage your roof, it can be helpful to know what kind of roof repair you will need to make. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may be able to solve the problem yourself, or you made need professional assistance. Either way, acting quickly can reduce problems.

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