Archived Mold Remediation Blog Posts
How To Prevent Mold in Your Home
9/22/2019 (Permalink)
Bathroom mold damage in Urban Reserve, TX
Mold and water damage can be a time consuming problem in Urban Reserve, TX, so it's best to prevent it before it happens. To control the mold, all you need to do is control the water in your home. As long as it's all going where it's supposed to, you shouldn't ever have a problem!
Problem Areas
In a typical household there are areas that are most commonly found to harbor mold growth. That is because they are rooms of your house that run a lot of water through them, making them more likely places for leaks and accumulating water. These places can also get humid, so be sure to ventilate them well. They include:
- bathrooms
- kitchen
- HVAC system
- laundry room
Obviously, your plumbing is the culprit behind a lot of potential leakage and water damage. Backed up drains and sewage floods can also be a concern. Look out for even the smallest drip and check under your sinks often. You can also check your ceilings for dripping water that could indicate a pipe leak above. Beware if you notice leaks under your toilet or in shower when you flush.
Outside Leaks
The outside coming in can be another source of water damage. A leaky roof or window can cause big problems later. Even the smallest drip can accumulate over time. Make sure any problems are addressed as soon as you notice them in order to prioritize mold prevention. To keep your house dry and free of humidity you should also make sure your attic and basement are properly sealed and insulated.
Water damage is a huge source of mold growth, so if you take care of it as soon as possible you shouldn't ever see an outbreak. If you do manage to find a mold problem, it is recommended that you call mold remediation specialists so that you do not inadvertently make it worse.
3 Causes of Mold Growth
5/23/2019 (Permalink)
Bathrooms with a shower should be properly ventilated to prevent mold growth due to humidity
3 Causes of Mold Growth
For a home in Vickery Meadows, TX, keeping the property clear of black mold can be important. Mitigation can go a long way to keeping your home free mold damage. Fortunately, understanding where and why mold grows can help you take the steps necessary to prevent this potential problem.
1. High Humidity
Areas of high humidity make a present a moisture problem that can lead to potential mold issues. You may want to consider the use of a dehumidifier or fans to help keep your home dry. Many ventilation systems include are designed to help prevent moisture build-up. You can also take simple steps such as running the fan during and after you take a shower help prevent water accumulation in high-moisture areas of your home.
2. Water Damage
Areas of water damage in your home may also be at risk for black mold. These can include places where a storm has damaged the property like attic or basement spaces. Water may also build up, more in locations such as under the sink. If not properly taken care of water damaged area can become a nice growth habitat for spores.
3. Flooding
Flooding is also likely to lead to mold damage. If your home experiences flooding, or pooling water, then it's best to contact a professional restoration service for water damage and mold cleanup. These professionals know how to properly dry and sanitize an area, and take the appropriate mitigation steps to help prevent issues such as mold growth.
Knowing that causes of black mold can help you take the appropriate mitigation steps if you believe your home may be at risk. Mold grows in moist areas meaning that places prone to high humidity, water damage or flooding may be the most likely areas for spores. If your home experiences one of these issues you can call a professional for help.
The Bill for Mold Remediation Is Never Pretty
3/7/2019 (Permalink)
Mold damage in a Dallas, TX home.
The recipe for a mold problem is simple. All it requires is floating mold spores finding a food source and moisture. For some insurable events, mold removal is common or even expected. In these cases, mold causes secondary damage to the home. These events include:
- Home fires extinguished by water
- Floods of any kind
- Storm damage that allows rain water inside the structure.
Mold Does Not Need Much Moisture To Cause Trouble
There are many situations where your home can become excessively moist without you realizing it. By the time appears, mold removal is already a difficult task. These situations include:
- Slow water leaks under sinks
- Hidden leaks under dishwashers or behind clothes washers
- Pinhole leaks hidden behind walls
- Slow roof leaks that soak ceiling insulation
Your Homeowner’s Insurance Should Cover
Mold Remediation
Black mold removal is an expensive proposition when it spreads. The first step should be to hire an accredited mold inspector. It is important that the inspector have the confidence of the insurance company. The company needs an accurate estimate before determining a course of action
Depending on the size of the home and severity of the contamination, expect the inspector to cost between $200 and $800. There could be additional charges for testing fabric and other samples. The inspector to do whatever is necessary to locate all the mold. This may include removal sections of wallboard and other structural items.
When it comes to the actual cleanup, expect the cost to average between $5,000 and $10,000. When contamination is more severe, the cost can reach $20,000, $30,000 or more. In extreme cases, the only cost-effective solution is to carefully tear down the home to prevent the mold from spreading.
Solving Your Mold Problem Begins With a Phone Call
The resources necessary to handle your mold removal are available in the Dallas, TX, area. Your insurer may help you select the best mold remediation specialists for the job.
Know Your Mold: An Overview of Common Household Mold
2/18/2019 (Permalink)
Mold spores are absolutely everywhere
Know Your Mold
You’ve undoubtedly heard of black mold and the havoc it can potentially cause in the average home in Dallas, Texas. However, unless you’ve had experience with mold before, odds are you actually know very little about this common household threat. The key to preventing any issue is having the facts, and mold is no exception. Some of the bare basics you should know include:
1. It’s Everywhere
The first thing you should be aware of is that mold spores are absolutely everywhere. Fungal spores use air currents and water to spread, which is how they get inside homes and other buildings to begin with. The key to prevention is to ensure the atmosphere required for mold spores to mature and spread cannot be found in your home.
2. Mold Loves Moisture
The fact is, if you have a moisture problem in your home, you’re likely to develop a mold problem if it remains unchecked. Mold primarily uses moisture as a means of spreading and tends to develop as a result of long-standing water leaks or other forms of household water damages. Furthermore, low temperatures are your friend when it comes to preventing mold, as warm air tends to trap moisture and cause moisture to condense on your home’s walls and other surfaces.
3. Cleanup is Difficult
If you do develop a mold problem in your home, it’s always best to leave mold cleanup to the professionals. Some forms of mold – such as black mold – are incredibly difficult to treat and require special tools and chemicals in most cases. To ensure you get the job done right, you should never attempt doing the cleanup job on your own.
With a little knowledge about black mold and other potential mold threats, you can work toward preventing the start of mold growth in your home with just a few easy steps and a few checkups here and there.
Everything You Want To Know About the Mold in Your Home
1/25/2019 (Permalink)
Bathroom mold remediation in Dallas, TX
Black mold has developed a nefarious reputation in recent years. If you have watched news reports or talked to your neighbors, you probably understand how bad this type of mold can be. Still, before you attempt mold cleanup in your Dallas, TX, house, you should know a few things about mold.
Mold Growth Can Be Essentially Anywhere
Mold spreads through microscopic spores that easily float on wind currents in your house. As such, if you have mold growth in one part of your home, you probably have it in other spaces too. When inspecting your home for mold, be sure you initially look at moist areas. Specifically, view the following spaces to see if you find mold growth:
- Attic
- Basement
- Crawlspace
- Laundry facilities
- Bathrooms
- Garage
- Kitchen
Mold Eats the Organic Things Inside Your home
To thrive, black mold needs a food source. While you can keep the food you eat away from mold, you should realize that it loves to consume other organic things inside your home. Specifically, mold may feed on drywall, carpet, sub-flooring and insulation. Only with a comprehensive examination of your home can you determine if you have mold growth somewhere in your house.
Cleanup Requires Expertise and Equipment
Removing mold from your home is often trickier than it sounds. Because mold spores are often toxic, mold cleanup usually requires the right personal protective equipment. It also usually demands some expertise. Rather than leaving the condition of your house to chance, you may want to work with a mold remediation service. Expert technicians understand where to find mold and how to remove it from your family spaces.
You work hard to have a nice home. Unfortunately, black mold can wreak havoc on the comfort, appearance and value of your house. By understanding how mold spreads, you increase your chances of effectively removing it from your dwelling.
Tips for Protecting Yourself from Mold During Cleanup
12/20/2018 (Permalink)
Mold damage on walls and baseboards in a Northeast Dallas, TX home
Tips for Protecting Yourself from Mold During Cleanup
During the process of mold remediation it’s important to protect yourself, and your staff, with the proper safety gear and equipment. If you’re concerned about conducting the procedure yourself the local Northeast Dallas, TX, mold remediation specialist may be able to help. The recommendations for a safe cleanup remain the same for everyone involved.
1. Wear Protective Clothing
When cleaning up mold growth it’s important to wear protective clothing. A coverall suit is recommended in most cases, but long sleeves tucked into gloves, and long pants may work just as well. Protective gear is an important tool for keeping any cleaning agents and mold spores off of your skin. If wearing everyday clothing instead of a protective suit, it’s important to launder them in hot water immediately after use.
2. Change Before Entering an Uncontaminated Area
Another way to protect your business is to change out of your safety gear before entering an uncontaminated areas. This can help prevent the spread of mold spores into areas where mold growth has not yet occurred. The necessity of changing gear is why many professional use covers for their hair and shoes, as well as wear protective over-suits.
3. Wear a Mask and Goggles
The use of a respirator mask and protective goggles are also recommended. These can help prevent the inhalation of any cleaning fumes, and keep dust or debris common to cleanup out of your eyes. The mask and goggles should fit snugly without pinching.
Using the proper equipment when cleaning up mold can help protect everyone, including the cleanup crew and the employees who regularly work in the building. Proper gear can not only help prevent the spread of mold to uncontaminated areas, but allow for cleaning solutions to be used safely. If you’re unsure about the proper procedure, or don’t want to conduct the cleanup yourself, a professional may be able to help.
3 Places Mold Might Hide in Your Home
9/15/2018 (Permalink)
Where does mold thrive and in what type of environment? These are all important questions to know the answers to.
After a flood affects your Northeast Dallas, Texas home, there may be many issues to face in the aftermath. Water cleanup, the drying of furniture and clothing and the repair or replacement of appliances may all be required. However, one problem you may not be aware of is how mold can grow in your home once moisture has seeped in. Mold growth can occur almost anywhere, as it does not need sunlight to thrive, and there are several places it might hide inside your home to cause damage before you become aware of its presence.
Interior Walls
Once a flood occurs inside your home, mold may seep into the walls below the water line. Moldy drywall can be especially common, as materials used to create the material contains paper. Once mold starts to grow behind a wall, it can also affect any wiring or insulation there. You may want to ask your mold damage and restoration service to perform a flood cut, which removes a section of drywall about a foot below the water line so mold technicians can seek out and destroy hidden mold.
Under Carpets and Laminate Flooring
Even minor floods, such as those that come from overflowing appliances, can cause mold growth in the material under your surface flooring. Even if you dry your carpets after a flood, the padding underneath may remain damp and encourage the development of mold. You may want to consider replacing your flooring to prevent future problems with fungi.
Inside Plumbing Cabinets
If you have wooden cabinets in your kitchen or bathroom, leaky pipes and humid conditions can help mold to thrive. Mold on wood cabinets may be hard to spot, especially in dark corners, so you might want to check these areas at least once a month to avoid hosting hidden mold.
Preventing mold growth in your Northeast Dallas, Texas home can be a challenge, especially in areas where it can hide. However, knowing where to seek it out can be an effective step in ensuring it does not take hold.
When the Floods Hit Your Office, Remove Mold Promptly
6/13/2018 (Permalink)
You’ve got a lot on your plate as a business leader; thinking about disaster cleanup might not always be in your mind. Though this may not be a common concern among business owners, these incidents can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. It’s important to be prepared to act quickly after flooding in your office. You don’t want mold growth, but you can eliminate it effectively if you follow the proper steps.
Why it’s Important to Address.
Flooding can occur after heavy rains or due to broken pipes or issues with the foundation in your Northeast Dallas, TX, office. There are a number of potentially disastrous consequences from flooding. Not only do you stand at risk of losing equipment, supplies and even data, but there could be long-term effects as well. After flooding, bacteria can grow, which poses risks to your employees. Also, you must consider the growth of mold, which can occur in as little as 24 hours after a flood.
What to Do.
Once flooding has infiltrated your office, you don’t want to delay response. There are things you can do on your own to salvage your belongings and materials, but if you want to stave off mold growth and get your office back to normal, you need to call a skilled, capable company to address the problem. The professionals have the right equipment and know how to handle these types of disasters. The most important thing you can do is call the right help and to do so quickly.
What the Pros Will Do.
The technicians will first remove standing water and will thoroughly dry and sanitize the area. This will help discourage the appearance of mold and bacteria. The team will then rebuild the affected area as necessary.
Mold growth doesn’t have to worry you after a flood if you address it promptly. Make sure you get a skilled team of expert on the case in a hurry to make sure you can get back to business.
For more information please visit us at
Kicking Mold Out, the Safe Way
4/17/2018 (Permalink)
Perhaps your Northeast Dallas, TX, commercial building has witnessed a good storm or two. Maybe, instead of the weather, it's those leaky pipes that cause the problem. No matter the source of your moldy mess, odds are that you want to get it over with, all while keeping your employees safe. Here are three main ways the experts keep everything under control during mold removal.
1. A Proper Approach
You may be wondering how the cleanup process all begins, especially if mold has had time to get comfortable in your indoor space. Whether the damage appears minimal or if you've got black mold nagging at you, it is important that you approach a cleanup process correctly every step of the way. Professionals can make sure each corner gets a proper inspection.
2. The Right Materials
Mold naturally travels by air, and it does a pretty sneaky job of it, too – this is why another priority should involve the right mold removal and containment materials. If you plan on being around the infested area at any point, it is usually a good idea to wear old clothes that you can wash quickly or throw away entirely. Cleanup can also involve the wrapping of permeable materials in plastic sheeting; doing so can prevent further spreading. Controlling moisture is another key element in containing unappealing fungal surprises.
3. A Preventative Purge
On top of keeping a close eye on containment gear and protection, the pros can help you address one aspect that could prove difficult: throwing away damaged items. When they seem unsalvageable, permeable materials such as carpeting and drywall may need to go to the trash. It's much wiser to avoid future mold growth than to risk inviting more spores into your building by keeping soggy materials around.
Maintaining a building is just one of the many responsibilities you likely face on a regular basis. Even though combating mold can be draining in many ways, you can get the hard parts behind you by going about mold removal the safe way.
For more information, please visit us at
3 Items That Can Be Salvaged After Mold Damage
3/21/2018 (Permalink)
Mold growth can be a common result of flooding in your Dallas, TX, home. Mold can grow on a variety of items, from furniture to walls to wood and flooring. When it comes to mold cleaning, however, you may be surprised about the number of objects that can be salvaged when you know the steps for cleaning them properly.
1. Leather Goods
Leather bags, jackets and other items may be salvageable if you remove them from the affected area quickly. Because mold tends to spread faster in areas with high humidity, you can perform mold remediation for these items by transferring them to a room that is cool and dry. Once the leather has dried, you can sponge the surface with diluted baby soap to wipe away visible mold. Suede goods may need to be treated by a mold cleanup and restoration company.
2. Clothing
While not all clothing can recover from mold damage, you may be able to salvage some items. An Esporta Machine, which is designed to clean cotton clothing affected by mold, smoke and other substances, can be effective in removing mold. You may be able to soak some fabrics in diluted vinegar to remove the mold, but this depends on how fragile the fabric is. Your restoration experts may able to advise you about other mold cleaning processes.
3. Paintings
Paintings affected by mold require special treatment. You may want to remove any wooden framing, as mold is attracted by wood fibers. Store the painting flat, away from humidity and sunlight, before contacting a professional artwork restoration company. Avoid bagging or sealing it in any kind of tight container, as this may create humid conditions that could encourage further mold growth.
When flooding in your Dallas, TX, causes mold to grow on your belongings, you may not know where to begin with mold cleaning. Contacting professional restoration technicians and removing your items from areas where mold is present can help you salvage irreplaceable items and proceed with the rest of the cleanup with confidence.
For more information, please visit us at
Keep Your Restaurant Free of Mold
2/19/2018 (Permalink)
Mold growth is a part of life, but it shouldn’t be a part of your restaurant. As a food service provider in Dallas, TX you’ve already got your hands full with your business. Here are some tips to help you prevent mold from taking over.
Store Food Properly To Prevent the Spread of Mold
Mold ruins food and drives up your inventory costs. Spores are always floating in the air, and they settle on anything left out in the open. For this reason you should always:
• Store food in sealed containers
• Keep items covered
• Clean storage areas routinely to eliminate spores
Mold spores can grow on any organic surfaces, on the counter, and even in your cooler and freezer.
Adhere to Cleaning Standards
Getting rid of dirt and dust is the best way to reduce the risk of mold growth, but there’s a catch. What do you do with all the scrub pads, towels, and mop heads?
These materials typically remain damp for long periods of time. When left out, the moisture on these items contributes to high humidity. Throw out used sponges and mops regularly, and keep plenty of extra dry towels on hand.
Dehumidify the Building
Make use of vents in your kitchen when cooking. Food is full of moisture. When you cook it, excess water vapor releases into the air. In high volumes this vapor increases humidity levels and contributes to mold growth. Keep air circulating through the food prep area, and use the ventilation system while you are cooking.
Seek Professional Help
A mold infestation and water damage can shut your business down during renovations. The cost is often higher than just the repair expenses and lost revenues. Your reputation matters, and customers associate mold with dirt and filth.
A professional mold remediation company can help you identify trouble spots before they advance too far. Schedule regular inspections and address issues right away. Repair leaky pipes, and clear drains to prevent further contamination whenever possible. Visit for more information on mold.
Learn More About the Basics Concerning Mold
12/1/2017 (Permalink)
Learn More About the Basics Concerning Mold
Mold needs moisture to grow, so if it is present, the growth can happen quickly. Mold spores are present everywhere in Dallas, Texas. Since it is so common, all homeowners want to know the basics. This helps to ensure that you know what to do to prevent black mold and other types, as well as remove it should it be present in your home.
What Is Mold?
Mold is a type of fungi and there are several different types. You have surely heard about black mold (stachybotrys atra), but there are also other types that are commonly found in homes, including cladosporium and aspergillus.
The aspergillus type is considered to be largely allergenic, and it is commonly found in air conditioning systems. Cladosporium is often seen on painted surfaces, the back of your toilet and in fiberglass air ducts.
Detecting and Removing Mold
You now know what mold looks like and where it may start to grow. It can start growing in just a day, as long as the level of moisture is right. Mold also tends to grow rapidly, so as soon as you notice it, you want to take action to get it removed from your home.
If you have black mold, it is a good idea to have a professional come in and tackle the removal since it can be toxic to people. With the other two major types, you can often remove them on your own using cleaners meant for mold.
You can see that black mold, and other types of mold, can be very problematic for homeowners. With this information, you can better determine if you have a moisture problem. It also helps you know what to do to ensure effective mold cleanup should mold start to grow in your home. Visit for more information on mold.