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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

The Essentials of Your Business's First Aid Kit

8/15/2019 (Permalink)

Items in a first aid kit

Items That Every First Aid Kit Should Have

From paper cuts to falls to natural disasters, such as devastating storms or floods, you do not want to think about these instances as a business owner in Lochwood, TX. However, if you have two or more employees, a first aid kit is required by the federal government. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration expects a business to maintain a certain amount of supplies in case of any medical issues or emergencies, and the size and type of the kit depend on the company. The following list enumerates the items that should be in every first aid kit:

1. Bandages

Regular gauze pads
Two large gauze pads
Gauze roller bandage
Two triangular bandages

2. Tweezers
3. Blanket
4. Adhesive tape
5. Latex gloves
6. Elastic wraps
7. Splint
8. Moistened antiseptic towelettes for cleaning wounds
9. CPR equipment to include resuscitation mask, airway or pocket mask
10. Scissors — preferably a bandage scissors
11. Directions for requesting emergency assistance

This is the minimum requirement. There are several websites which sell pre-stocked kits in various sizes.

Restock any supplies as needed to keep the inventory current. Keep a checklist in the first aid kit and make notes each time an item is depleted. Also, keep track of anything that has an expiration date. Once the date has passed, throw the item away in the proper manner. Although bandages may expire, they can always be used in an emergency to stop bleeding.

OSHA states larger businesses need multiple first aid kits. For those industries which do not have an in-house clinic, business owners are encouraged to have employees take classes in basic first aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillators. The American Red Cross has several classes and will also come to your office for on-site training. A storm damage restoration specialist can give you the information to make the best decision on what kind of emergency kit your office needs.

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