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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

3 Ways Professionals Contain Mold During Cleanup

7/20/2021 (Permalink)

Mold containment in Northeast Dallas, TX.

Mold Containment

Mold contamination is the last thing your Northeast Dallas, TX, business wants to face. But when the near-ubiquitous spores have found a dark, damp place to thrive in your building, you may soon be faced with the immediate and pressing need of remediation.

Mold is a fungal presence that can cause immense property damage to the surface it’s growing on. To limit the possibility of cross-contamination with unaffected areas of the building, a professional mold cleanup team can utilize a variety of containment methods during the cleanup process:

1. Shutting Off HVAC Units

Once the mold is present, it is vital to shut off all air circulation units. The microscopic spores can be carried along with the slightest of breezes, and should they come in contact with other damp places within your property, mold is likely to grow. Rather than encourage the dispersal of spores through airwaves, all fans should be turned off along with the heating and cooling systems.

2. Isolating the Affected Area

Depending on the size of the affected area, various tactics may be utilized to isolate the contaminated space from the rest of the property. All doors and windows should be shut, and a single layer of polyethylene sheeting may be used to seal the space off.

For extensive mold growth or contaminated areas larger than 100 square feet, a negative air chamber can be built to restrict airflow from escaping the room. Double layers of polyethylene sheets and physical barriers can form a sealed entrance for workers during the entirety of the mold cleanup process.

3. Wearing Full Personal Protective Equipment

Mold spores can be carried on shoes and clothing, making full protective gear a must during cleanup. Disposable clothing including a bodysuit, shoe covers, and hair nets shield the body from exposure. Goggles, gloves, and a respirator mask provide further protective cover.

IICRC certified companies will have the materials to create a well-contained mold cleanup area. This can ensure mold doesn’t become the new business owner you didn’t ask for!

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